Jobs at Webm To GIF

Interested in a job at Webm To GIF? Keep reading.

SQL Developer

Job title

SQL Developer

Job type


Full Job URL

Our full job description that you can apply to is at SQL Developer Jobs.




Candidate Qualifications


You are expected to have expertise in all of these areas:

Crack CSS Designer

Job title

Crack CSS Designer

Job type

Contracting. We are a small company. Projects come on a as needed basis.

Full Job URL

We have a full job posted at Vue JS Jobs. Click the link to check it out.


Global, anywhere in the world. We enjoy remote work and remote teamwork.



Webm To GIF is a trailblazer dedicated to helping people convert webm files to GIFs that they can download and then post to the internet. Webm To GIF believes in converting the file using Javascript so that you don't have to upload any large file. The only network cost is downloading our app. This is really the democratization of the internet so that anybody, even someone with a bad internet connection, can convert files.

Our mission is to use webassembly to bring C++ apps like FFMPEG to the market. This business is a people business as our knowledge workers are extremely important to making this work. We believe in a hands-off management approach. We hire smart people and then get out of their way.

Sound interesting to you? Come apply for a position at Webm to GIF.

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